Birthday Gifts for Pets
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Birthday Gifts for Pets

Recently, my husband and I celebrated our beautiful dog’s ninth birthday. I can’t believe we’ve had our sweet canine companion for so many years. To commemorate this special occasion, my spouse and I shopped for the perfect birthday gift. We decided to purchase a nice red collar for our dog. Our dog’s old collar was faded and dirty. Her new, red collar looked amazing next to her sleek black fur. After placing her new collar on her, our dog looked ready to take some memorable pictures. On this blog, I hope you will discover some of the best practical gifts to buy for your pets. Enjoy!

Birthday Gifts for Pets

Doggy Have a Boo Boo? 3 Steps to Stop the Bleeding

Madison Adams

Dogs are notorious for getting into places where they shouldn't be. Unfortunately, their inquisitive nature can leave them susceptible to all sorts of cuts and scrapes. If you have a dog that's always getting injured, it might be helpful to learn some basic first aid. The most important first aid tip you'll need to learn is how to control bleeding. Here are three steps you should take if your dog has come home bleeding.

Apply Pressure

With any type of bleeding wound, the first thing you need to do is apply pressure. Grab a clean towel or cloth, place it directly over the wound and press down firmly. If the wound is small, you can press down using your thumb and forefinger. However, if the wound is larger, you'll need to apply pressure using the entire palm and heel of your hand. Hold pressure for several minutes and then carefully pull the towel back. If the wound is still bleeding, continue applying pressure. However, if the wound has stopped bleeding, you can move on to the next step.

Clean the Wound

Once the wound has stopped bleeding, you'll need to give it a thorough cleansing. Allowing the wound to remain dirty for too long may allow infection to set in. Flush the wound with fresh water for several minutes. This will remove dirt and debris that might be inside the wound. After you've flushed the wound, you'll want to wash it with an antiseptic cleanser, such as Betadine, which is available in the first aid department of most stores. Rinse the area well to remove the cleanser and then pat the area dry with a clean towel.

Bandage the Area

After you've cleaned and dried the wound, you'll need to bandage the area. First, apply a generous amount of antibiotic ointment. The ointment will help protect the wound and prevent infection. Next, wrap medical gauze around the wound and secure it with first-aid tape. Be sure not to wrap the gauze too tightly around the wound, or you could cut off circulation to the area. Be sure to change the bandage at least once a day. If you notice a foul odor when you change the bandages, you need to take your dog to the veterinarian or an animal hospital. The wound might have developed an infection.

If your dog has suffered a wound that's been bleeding, you'll need to apply some basic first aid. The tips provided here will help you clean the wound and get the bleeding to stop.
