Birthday Gifts for Pets
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Birthday Gifts for Pets

Recently, my husband and I celebrated our beautiful dog’s ninth birthday. I can’t believe we’ve had our sweet canine companion for so many years. To commemorate this special occasion, my spouse and I shopped for the perfect birthday gift. We decided to purchase a nice red collar for our dog. Our dog’s old collar was faded and dirty. Her new, red collar looked amazing next to her sleek black fur. After placing her new collar on her, our dog looked ready to take some memorable pictures. On this blog, I hope you will discover some of the best practical gifts to buy for your pets. Enjoy!

Birthday Gifts for Pets

  • Grooming Tips To Give Your Furry Friend The Spa Treatment At Home

    19 May 2017

    You shower every single day, sometimes more than once per day. You get your hair cut monthly, and probably go for a manicure/pedicure a few times per year. What about your fuzzy BFF? How many times as he gone to the groomer to be professionally bathed, trimmed, and have his nails clipped? If the answer is not at all, you're not the only one. Most people don't think to take their dog to the groomer or to a doggy spa, or maybe you have, but can't afford the services.

  • Keeping Your Puppy Comfortable On His First Night In A New Home

    24 February 2017

    Bringing your puppy home is an exciting experience. Finally, your fuzzy, furry little pet is a part of the family! But while puppies are cute and cuddly, they are also a lot of work -- and your puppy may not be overly happy on his first night in your home. Here are some tips to help keep your little guy cozy, happy, and comfortable on that first night. Let him explore earlier in the day.