Birthday Gifts for Pets
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Birthday Gifts for Pets

Recently, my husband and I celebrated our beautiful dog’s ninth birthday. I can’t believe we’ve had our sweet canine companion for so many years. To commemorate this special occasion, my spouse and I shopped for the perfect birthday gift. We decided to purchase a nice red collar for our dog. Our dog’s old collar was faded and dirty. Her new, red collar looked amazing next to her sleek black fur. After placing her new collar on her, our dog looked ready to take some memorable pictures. On this blog, I hope you will discover some of the best practical gifts to buy for your pets. Enjoy!

Birthday Gifts for Pets

  • Going On Vacation? Why Dog Boarding Is The Best Choice For Your Pet

    5 December 2018

    Taking a vacation is a wonderful thing, but when you have a pet, there are some additional preparations that must be made. Your dog deserves to be in a safe environment while you're away, and just knowing that they are being well taken care of gives you the freedom to relax and revel in your holiday. The best place for your furry friend to spend their time away from you is at a dog boarding facility like Animal Care Center of Forest Park.

  • Training Your Dog To Be A Service Dog

    22 August 2018

    If you have any kind of physical or mental difficulty, then you may be thinking about making your pet dog into a service dog. Service dogs differ from emotional support dogs in that they are specifically trained and able to deal with an impairment. Unlike emotional support dogs, service dogs are allowed a wide range of access and privileges. The good news is that any type of dog can be a service dog, and here are some tips on the process.

  • The Stomach Flu Is Going Around: What To Do When Your Dog Is Sick

    11 April 2018

    With flu season winding down, you might think that you can stop worrying about sickness. However, if you have dogs, you're not out of the woods yet. You might not know this, but your dogs can get sick too. Unfortunately, they can't tell you when they're sick. The only way to tell when your dogs are sick is to watch them closely. If one of your dogs is acting like it's feeling under the weather, it's time to pack on the tender loving care.