Recently, my husband and I celebrated our beautiful dog’s ninth birthday. I can’t believe we’ve had our sweet canine companion for so many years. To commemorate this special occasion, my spouse and I shopped for the perfect birthday gift. We decided to purchase a nice red collar for our dog. Our dog’s old collar was faded and dirty. Her new, red collar looked amazing next to her sleek black fur. After placing her new collar on her, our dog looked ready to take some memorable pictures. On this blog, I hope you will discover some of the best practical gifts to buy for your pets. Enjoy!
8 July 2016
If you own an exotic pet in the United States, you may have noticed that finding a qualified and experienced veterinarian is not always easy. It has been estimated recently that there are more exotic pets in U.S. homes now than there are in zoos. However, your exotic pet, whether it is a tiger, kangaroo or something else, will have different nutritional, social and health needs than a domesticated pet might.
4 July 2016
If you discover that your dog has been in a fight with any type of wild animal, you may want to take it to a vet, especially if you see blood or other signs of injuries. A fight with a wild animal poses several risks to your dog's health, which is why you should take it to a veterinarian if this occurs. Here are several of the problems your dog faces from wounds that occur from fighting with a wild animal.
29 June 2016
Many people prefer leaving their cats at home when they go on vacation, reasoning that the cat will be more comfortable in familiar environs. While this may be true to an extent, it can also be dangerous for a senior cat. This is because older cats are more likely to suffer a medical emergency or another issue when you are away. The following tips can help you make boarding a more comfortable and safer option for your pet.
27 June 2016
While many cat owners are already aware of how important it is to have a female cat spayed, some are not aware of just how important it is to have male cats neutered. Those who have male cats sometimes think this is not necessary since they will not be giving birth to a litter of kittens. However, having a male cat neutered also has many benefits. These are some reasons why you should have your male cat neutered.
21 April 2016
If you just brought a cat into your home to keep as a pet, you will most likely be heading to a veterinarian to have it checked for health issues in the near future. Your cat's veterinarian will start a vaccination schedule for your new pet to get protection from a number of diseases and conditions. While vaccinations are needed to keep your cat from getting very ill, there is a slight risk for a sarcoma if your cat has an adverse reaction to an injection.